The Resurgence of Feminist Art

In recent years, there has been a remarkable resurgence of feminist art, as women reclaim their voices and power through creative expression. This art form, which challenges gender stereotypes and societal norms, has become a powerful tool for empowering women and sparking crucial conversations about feminism and equality. From installations and paintings to performances and digital art, feminist artists are fearlessly using their craft to challenge the status quo and advocate for change.

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New Moon - Setting Intentions ritual

The new moon is an opportunity to reflect and think of what type of energy you would like to invite into your life. I think this time of the month as a time to connect with myself, to look inside and feel, it is like to stock take my thought and actions. This gives me the chance to see if I'm directing my prana in those things I want to attract and surrender myself with. You will need to make time and space, I like to think it is a date with me, where I'm the guest and the host. It is a sacred space where I allow me just be, where I need just little things to set up the mood but I encourage you to modify my suggestions as these items might not resonate with you.

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Sustainable Fashion

Ethical Fashion is an umbrella term to describe the way a product has been designed, produced, sold, purchased, and discarded. It covers a range of issues such as working conditions, exploitation, fair trade, sustainable production, the environment, and animal welfare. It is undeniable that the clothing industry and its rapid supply chain demands has contributed to the current unbalance in nature on the Earth. The clothes we wear, the food we eat and the way we treat each other are all ways to act to keep existing as humanity in a more harmonious world.

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Valerita Valerosa